


REEH is a unique blend of avant-garde experimentation and mainstream pop appeal. With their loop based songs the duo addresses themes of self-empowerment and social commentary.

    • Experimental
    • Pop
    • Electronic
    • Contemporary electronic Pop
    • Producer
    • Band
  • Arnhem


Known for their innovative approach to music, REEH is a unique blend of avant-garde experimentation and mainstream pop appeal. By experimenting across genres and challenging the versatility of the human voice Saskia Pauli and Larissa Kotzwander are creating loop based songs that address themes of self-empowerment and social commentary. Through their performances, they aim to foster dialogue and solidarity within society.

In just two years, REEH has played on stages at renowned venues such as Willemeen and Luxor Live in Arnhem, NL. March 2024, they released their debut single "Scare the Boys Off" which is not just a song, but an energetic anthem that should be understood as a personal call for self-empowerment and breaking out of gender stereotypes.

Currently, REEH is working on their first EP, amplifying their mission to advocate for women's rights and confront the persistent challenges of gender inequality.




  • Saskia Pauli

    • 25

    Stem - Loopstation

  • Larissa Kotzwander

    • 27

    Stem - Loopstation



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